Friday 24 April 2009


Well clearly this Day 1, 2, 3 thing isnºt working for me. Iºm having far too much fun to go looking for Internet time!

Bordeaux was fantastic. I was there for a couple of nights and got to know my room mate, Tom, from Australia, quite well.

He was complimenting me on the size of my sack (oo err). High praise indeed from someone who has been travelling for a few months every year since he was 30 ( he looked well into his 40s now, but I didnºt want to ask ). He seems to think I have the right idea about travelling light, then again Iºm sure i saw a couple of kicthen sinks in his luggage...

Iºve not had any trouble with the French as per the cliches. I only get the feeling, the more I go into these rural-ish towns, that I wish i knew more of the language. Its all good if you just grin and say merci repeatedly.

Here I am on day 9, and Iºm loving every minute of it. Aside from splurging too much too often on single rooms recently ( Northern Spain has NO hostels?!) Iºm loving every minute of it.

Just yesterday (23rd) I was in Santander. A lovely sea-port, directly linking to Portsmouth. A little touristey, but not too much to cope with. I had a balcony view, of the water for 25€, yes 25€. At lunchtime yesterday I was sitting in the park, enjoying some cheap red wine and some bread in the cool 24ºc heat, with a nice breeze, couldnºt have been much better.

As of this morning Iºm in Lisbon, Portugal, as the knowledable among you will be able to tell by my typos.
I got an overnight train at 3:20 in morning from Vallatolid, using a sleeper - quite an interesting if vastly expensive experience. Not quite as fun as waiting 7 hours for a train beforehand though!

Yet again I canºt upload any photos as they probably dont want computer plague or something, but eventually there will be some pictures floating around. Then you can all laugh at my 2-second stop and snap attempts at photography.

Oh speaking of spending too much on accommodation, Iºve just managed to get a dorm room for 10€! God bless

Anyway, ive been taking down a budget of my expenditures for each day, when I remember, and its turning out to be quite useful.