Friday 24 July 2009


Absolutely beautiful country, though admittedly much nicer when the weather is tame. 

To start with, a few pictures of Tolmin, near where Metalcamp was. Not going to post too many pictures of the festival, as most of them came out too blurry.

The festival was great, I managed 4 and a half of the 5 days - the constant pounding of rain every night had taken its toll on my cheap-o tent, and I woke up with a growing puddle everyday. There wasn't the novelty of being the only Englishman here, which was a little disappointing, but then it was a much bigger festival than the one in Portugal (20k instead of 1.5).

Then there are a few of the centre of Ljubljana, with the dragon bridge and views from the castle.


And a few of and around Bled..