Wednesday 18 November 2009

still anchored in Melbourne

It's a late Tuesday afternoon and I'm still in Melbourne.

Despite my stubborn optimism for getting on with some fruit picking work I'd be lying if I didn't admit relief at not having to do hard physical labour in 44c heat.

Basically, I'd found out via another backpacker that there was absolutely no work in the Mildura area, all the way down to Melbourne. Now I'm going to be staying in this Melbourne hostel until mid-way through December, when I will be heading over to Sydney.

The idea is that I'll find a non-skilled, easy job for a few weeks (dishwasher, office cleaner, that kind of thing) then take a bus to Sydney. After my Xmas and New Year's celebrations I'll probably look for a cushy office job and stick at that for a few months to top up the old bank account before getting on my way.

It's worth mentioning that I could get pretty much the same job I had at home for more than twice the pay; the economy here seems to be going very well. I've not even heard the words 'credit' or 'crunch' in months!

So I've been in this hostel for almost two weeks now and in Melbourne for maybe a week more than that. The days are tending to merge into one another - whether this is due to the cheap quantities of wine, who's to say (cheap wine is called 'goon' apparently, not sure if it's just Australians who call it this though).

It's a fun, laid-back crowd here. The hostel itself is pretty inconspicuous, leaning towards the suburban edges of town. It's still a stone's throw away from cheap food places, launderettes, and most important of all - a big, cheap Woolworths supermarket. The hostel has the same vibe that has come to appeal to me; namely more of an emphasis on meeting new people, rather than large groups keeping to themselves. There's a decent kitchen, lounge area and a pretty sturdy BBQ in the back courtyard which has been put to good use. There's also a big TV with a large selection of pirate DVDs to peruse at your leisure.

Most who stay here are long-termers; staying for months on end while having a job through the week. There's a large portion of people who know varying amounts of guitar aswell as different abilities of chess players. I have to say, though, I strum better than I play chess, though I'm eager to learn.
I'm even teaching one french guy to play guitar. Quite a funny experience. I've started him off on 'Smoke on the Water' and the theme from Pulp Fiction.

There's a healthy mix of nationalities here, unlike the place in Sydney for example, that had predominantly Australian residents.

Moving on.. I have my bank account and Tax File Number sorted (though there's still something of a hurdle to get over to get money from my English accounts to my Australian one - I guess it's reassuring these precautions are in place).
All I need to do now is find myself that easy job! Anyway... not much exciting news to mention as of late. I'm beginning to shift my focus from sightseeing to work for a few months into the New Year.

Time to shoot off, I think fish fingers are on the menu today. Makes a change from pasta and jarred sauce anyway...